Monday, September 3, 2012

Thinking Rightly

    About a week ago, a wise woman shared with me some wonderful insights from the Lord.  We had just sung "Great is Thy Faithfulness" during a church service, and we began talking about how God had indeed been faithful to us. She and her husband have been doing ministry fulltime for many years, so I asked her to share moments when the Lord had proved Himself faithful to provide their needs.  Her response was 2 Peter 1:3, which states that God has granted to us everything we need pertaining to life and godliness.  I had heard this verse many times and even memorized it at some point, I believe, but she pointed out something that I had never considered before.  This verse says that God has given us everything we need in two areas:  life and godliness.  I always focused on the later- all I need to please the Lord has already been given to me in Christ, but the first part- life- this too God has fully equipped us for.  The day to day things and physical needs we have.  I am no theologian and I don't know if this is the precise meaning for the context, but it was definitely something to consider.  For indeed, God has given us, His children, all I need to live here on earth and to interact with this world in a godly manner.
   This woman also shared the main thing the Lord has taught her over the years:  Be careful what you think, because not everything you think is true.  She told me about some really difficult times she experienced and how it was hard to trust that the Lord was good and sovereign in the midst of these difficulties and trials.  But she always had to stop in those situations and meditate on what she knew to be true, rather than listening to lies or vain thoughts.  These words struck me so much because I knew that I had been dwelling on many anxious thoughts that were not grounded on truth.  The Bible instructs us in 2 Cor 10:5 to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, rather than being captive to our thoughts, which is more often the case.  Two Scripture passages that were strongholds for this woman were Phil 4:6-7, which says to not be anxious about anything but always present requests to God with thanksgiving.  He then promises to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  In the same way, Isaiah 26:3 states that those who trust in the Lord and fix their minds on Him will have perfect peace.  Are these the things we want most?  Peace of mind and rest in our loving and capable God?  He is good.  He is sovereign.  He is worthy of trust and the giver of true joy.   Let us think rightly.  Let's believe truth.

1 comment:

  1. This is so encouraging, friend. I'm enjoying reading about your experiences in a new land. Praying for a good school year, and for us to be ever reminded of the Lord's faithfulness.
    Blog on, friend!
