How Can I Be Involved?

PRAY!! There is no better way to prepare, guard from attack, or offer pleasing sacrifices of praise to the Lord.  I need the Lord every step of the way, so please pray for my heart, for effectiveness in ministry, and for provision of physical and financial needs.

This work is not my own.  It is enabled by God and a body of believers who have sent me out.  If you would like to join my team of supporters, please print out the following pledge card file://localhost/Users/ajharmeling/Documents/TeachBeyond/TB%20pledge%20card.htm
or visit to make an online donation. 

Investigate how you can invest in transformational education around you.  Help others understand the incredible opportunity we've been given to impact lives through education, and ask the Lord to show you your part in making this happen.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! We are fellow Teachbeyond (ers) and are considering CISP... our concern is housing? Any information would be so appreciated. Megan Beall
