It's been a while since I have posted pictures, so here are a few highlights from the end of the school year...
Elementary Spring Program
All of the elementary students began the program singing "And Can It Be" while I accompanied them on the piano |
The 1st-3rd graders performed a creative skit representing the days of Creation |
The 4th and 5th graders had a diverse repertoire, ranging from traditional African songs to Classical songs in Latin. |
The 5th graders presented a skit pointing out Christ in every book of the Bible
4th-5th Grade WWII Wax Museum
At the end of our WWII unit, the 4th and 5th grade students put on a WWII Wax Museum.
Each student selected a historical figure that contributed to this war, and they wrote a speech about the life and involvement of their particular characters. They then created a costume and became that character for the event. When a museum "guest" pushed the red button in front of a student, he or she would come alive and share about his or her character. The event was a huge success and each student did a marvelous job dressing the part and presenting!
4th Grade
General Dwight Eisenhower (U.S. Forces)
Margaret Ringenburg (American WASP pilot)
Josef Stalin (Soviet Union Leader) |
Hannah Szenes (Parachuted into Yugoslavia to rescue Hungarian Jews) |
Eleanor Roosevelt (U.S. First Lady) |
Corrie Ten Boom (Dutch Christian who sheltered Jews) |
5th Grade
Rosie the Riveter (Symbol of American women work force during WWII) |
Winston Churchill (British Prime Minister) |
General George Patton (U.S. Forces) |
Adolf Hitler (Leader of Nazi Germany) |
Getting ready for our museum "guests" |
Hitler anxiously awaits his first "guest" |
Even Hitler needs a water break every now and then! |
This was my all time favorite scene of the whole event! These little 1-2 graders were spellbound as Winston Churchill delivered a passionate speech about his life and service to his country. I dare say Luke stole the show. He did a fabulous job! |
The Three Amigos, as I like to call them. Quite the interesting trio, wouldn't you say? :) |
All School Field Day
To conclude our school year, the entire school met at our new school building to enjoy some field day games and then have a family picnic. My colleagues Kristin and Matt and I were asked to organize the games for this day, so we split all the students and teachers into 4 teams:
Sea Foam, Coral, Sunburst, and Aqua
(yes, a beach theme because we certainly don't see much of the coast in a landlocked country!)
Although we had some rain showers in the morning, the games were a huge success! Some highlights of the day were launching water balloons, a huge kickball game, and picnicking on the blacktop with many of the CISP families. All in all, it was a great way to end the year and anticipate the upcoming school year in our new building!
Got to have a wheelbarrow race at any field day! |
Oops! :) |
Crab walk on the pitch
Good ole fashioned three-legged race
Another oldie, but goodie: Egg/spoon relay
This station was hilarious. A student was blindfolded and had to walk through the cone maze without knocking any down. Another student had give them instructions while our school counselor kept changing the position of the cones. |
The best activity of all... the water balloon launch! |
Loading the launcher... |
Ready, Aim, Fire! |
As you may guess, it was quite difficult to actually hit the target with the water balloon, though we did allow the "target" to move around a bit to help. |
This activity was so fun to watch! Five students had to leap over, then under the person in front of them. It got a little interesting with the various sizes of the students! |
After completing all the other activities, all four teams lined up and had to pass a water balloon over their heads or through their legs as fast as they could.
It was a close race, but the Sunburst team pulled out in the end to claim the victory!
The elementary students had some water balloon fun while the secondary students and some teachers played a huge game of kickball |
My favorite part of the day was definitely when my roommates and I launched water balloons at the high school and middle school students while they were playing kickball. Kristin tried for a while but couldn't seem to keep the balloons intact, so she handed over launching duties to me. Haha, so much fun! :)
We ended with a family picnic. I'm so thankful for the CISP community! |